How BikesforZim works
We search and select old bicycles in the Netherlands that are no longer used
The bikes are prepared and loaded for shipment
The bikes will be shipped to Harare by sea container via Beira
The bikes will be awarded to selected organizations or individual beneficiaries
From the Netherlands to Zimbabwe
BikesforZim is a Dutch / Zimbabwean foundation with the aim of increasing the living standard of Zimbabweans - who really need it - by using good second-hand bicycles from the Netherlands. In the Netherlands there are many bicycles that are literally unemployed, which can actually provide work in Zimbabwe. For many, a second-hand bicycle means an opportunity for work, income or study.
The Dutch branch of the foundation is involved in collecting the bicycles, finding donors and deploying volunteers for transport to Zimbabwe.
The Zimbabwean branch of the foundation ensures that bicycle-related projects are found and selected with a preference for projects that have “social entrepreneurship” in them.
On this website you can read which destination the bicycles can get through the various projects, who the local partners and beneficiaries are and you can follow where your donated bicycle will eventually end up!

Our mission is to improve the lives of Zimbabweans by making bicycles available.

Cycling in Zimbabwe

We are proud that we have already been able to provide 500 Zimbabweans with Dutch bicycles
Our partners

The stories of our entrepreneurs

The Flower Seller
Busboy is a florist by years; he is still fit enough to bring his merchandise to the people on his bicycle.

The Proud Brushmaker
Since Tendai has a bicycle, he can sell more brushes and brooms.

The Spice Seller
Jonas grows herbs and brings them to town on his bicycle.

The Vegetable and Fruit Farmer
John is as old as his bicycle: 60 years! His 'engine' is very solid and that is necessary, he says. Only been welded once and he knows how to maintain it. Without his reliable bike he would be lost. It's people like John who need our support with sturdy bikes with front and rear racks.

The Tinker
Lovermore is a tinker in the countryside, he repairs the holes in pots and pans. His bicycle is his 'job bus' to which his tools hang and his carbide installation is lashed to it.

The Happy Salesman
Salesman Takawira Chidawa makes his own baskets for hanging plants and uses his bicycle to sell them in Harare.